Tuesday 10 January 2012

30 Days to Shred the Fat

Going to try the Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse and Fat Burning System. My awesome friend, Tenely, hooked me up with kit, went through the program with me and I started on the 9th of January. My goal is to drop under 200 lbs which my body hasn't seen in years.

My Goals are as follows:
  1. Drop to under 200 lbs
  2. Get in shape to do lots of races this summer
  3. Reduce coffee consumption
  4. Reduce alcohol consumption
  5. Have more energy
  6. Look great naked!

I've got a great support from my family and friends and look forward to the results. I'll keep updating this blog with my workouts, notes, challenges and successes.

Wish me luck!

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