Wednesday 8 February 2012

And the results are in!!!

Starting weight: 213 pounds
Ending weight: 188 pounds
Loss of 25 pounds

Starting % Body Fat: 23.2
Ending % Body Fat: 12.7
Loss of 10.5 %

Monday 30 January 2012

3rd Cleanse plus cardio equals massive results

Yesterday was my third cleanse day and day 21 of the program. I decided that since my body was in a state of burning body fat I might as well take advantage of it and do some cardio. I faced the chilling cold with a 10km jog and couldn't believe it this morning to see I was almost 3 pounds lighter. So far I'm down 20.4 pounds since I started and I feel great! I'm only 7 pounds away from my 2012 goal. Can't wait to see what the final week will bring!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day 17 - Tired, but it's my own fault

Monday and Tuesday were awesome with 2 workouts each day and sticking hard to the program. Had an awesome dinner with salad and bbq shrimp last night. However, the extra workouts and going to bed late because of renovating I'm doing in the basement is finally taking its toll. I got to the gym this morning and just couldn't work out. I got through some squats and lunges and just quit. Tonight I'll get to bed early and get motivated for the gym again. Anyhow, I'm down to 197 (16 pounds lost) and still going strong.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Second Cleanse Day

Today was tough. Not having any solid food while cooking for the kids was not easy. Right now, they're eating popcorn while watching a movie and my mouth is watering. I just have to keep in mind all the weight I dropped on my last cleanse day. I'm looking forward to the end of the program and going on maintenance, which will include a cheat day (Friday evening) where I will apologetically eat whatever I want. I'm already planning my first which will include beer, bacon, pizza, chips just for starters.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Getting tired of the shakes...

I'm usually a fan of protein shakes, but I usually add berries, a touch of olive oil and use skim milk instead of water. I accidentally used skim milk in my IsaLean shake the other day and it tasted great. Definitely how I'll prepare it when I'm on maintenance. Right now, they taste little more than like cardboard with a hint of vanilla or chocolate when I use water to mix them. I'm getting really creative at dinner. All main courses are salads with whatever meat we're having chopped up in it and then I usually add berries, almonds, and anything else nutritious that I can find. The continued dropping of pounds is keeping me motivated, but I am looking forward to the end of the 30 days and working on a maintenance schedule that includes food with some real flavor.

Monday 16 January 2012


I had to do a double take on the scale. Really? 10 pounds? The cleanse day really did the trick. Just took my measurements and you might be able to fool the scale, but not the measuring tape. 1/2 inch off the neck, 2.5 inches off the waist and 1 inch off the butt. I can't believe I still have 22 days to go. At this rate, I'm not only going to hit my goal of getting under 100 pounds, I might hit my new year's goal of 185...which I haven't seen in over a decade. Maybe I will sign up for the marathon again this summer since I won't be carrying such a heavy load. Oh yeah, here's a comparison of beginning gut and day 8 gut.

Sunday 15 January 2012

1st Cleanse Day - Not a great day

First off, I wasn't hungry all day which was about the only real positive. We went out to brunch and even made a gingerbread house this afternoon and at neither time did I want to cheat and stuff something into my mouth. On the other hand, my mood was not the best. I was pretty grumpy and was very short tempered with my kids when they were acting out. I don't have a lot of energy and look forward to having a real dinner tomorrow. Anyhow, staying strong and looking forward to taking my measurements tomorrow morning.